Councilmember Harris-Dawson is working with the City of Los Angeles to develop economic opportunities and provide more efficient city services that benefit residents.
- March 2018: Councilmember Harris-Dawson introduce policy instructing the Chief Administrative Office to explore converting city service contracts to Targeted Local Hire positions and connect residents to city jobs.
- June 2018: Councilmember hosts the city’s first Jobs CompStat meeting with the largest municipal departments to improve access to city jobs through Targeted Local Hire and develop benchmarks for local hiring goals.
- November 2018: The Personnel Department requests $100,000 for the Bridge to Jobs Program which expands on TLH and offers training and placement for advanced entry-level civil service careers
- December 2018: Councilmember requests report to identify the cost of inadequate city service contracts and proposes these funds be used to create more civil service careers
- April/May 2019: Councilmember Harris-Dawson holds another Jobs CompStat meeting where key departments share their budget proposals and how these funds will go towards hiring more local residents. The Personnle Departments Bridge to Jobs Program receives $100,000 and is scheduled to launch early 2020. Bureau of Street Services is awarded $1 Million to convert 40 contract jobs for full-time city service careers and improved city services.