Councilmember Harris-Dawson believes in a housing first approach for homeless residents and that permanent supportive housing can be a community asset that brings positive community and economic development to neighborhoods.
- February 2018: Councilmember pledges to support permanent supportive housing efforts and begins planning for 222 units of supportive housing for homeless residents in the eighth district.
- December 2018: Councilmember introduces a motion to review $450,000 to utilize State Emergency Aid (HEAP) funds for multidisciplinary teams to conduct homeless outreach in City Council District Eight.
- April 2019: Councilmember requests the HHH oversight committee to make recommendations to expedite delivery of homeless housing.
- July 2019: Councilmember introduces motion for city agencies to report to council with alternative construction models to make permanent and temporary supportive housing more cost effective
- November 2019: Councilmember breaks ground on Isla Intersections, an innovative approach to quickly develop affordable supportive housing and address longstanding community concerns along 110 and 105